Types of Exams

The Polygraph Group specializes in polygraph examinations using validated testing techniques and analysis protocol set forth and recommended by the American Polygraph Association as the most accurate means known to science for determining whether or not a person has been truthful.


Examinations Offered:

  • Substance Use

  • Hypersexuality or Compulsive Sexual Behavior

  • Relationship/Family Issues

  • Academic Matters

  • Civil Litigation Support

  • Probation/Parole Monitoring

  • Pre-Employment


Post Conviction Sex Offender Testing

The fundamental purpose of administering polygraph examinations to convicted sex offenders is the maintenance of public safety. Post Conviction Sex Offender exams are used to assist therapists, probation officers and parole agents as a key component of the Containment Model in the supervision of the convicted sex offender upon their release from incarceration. These types of exams assist by investigating the examinee’s compliance with terms and conditions of probation, parole and treatment rules.

If you are a treatment provider inquiring about specific services for your clients, contact The Polygraph Group so we can discuss those services. If you are a client in need of services in this area, you may contact us directly so we can coordinate with your treatment provider.


Infidelity/Relationship Issues

Relationship issues can be agonizing if you feel as though trust has been compromised and infidelity/cheating may have occurred. Eradicate those unsettling thoughts by utilizing The Polygraph Group’s services to determine if your partner has been faithful.

If you find yourself on the side of being accused and you want to clear any allegations of infidelity or wrongdoing in your relationship, a polygraph exam is the quickest way to resolve those issues.

Polygraph testing can often times give you a starting place to make the next decision for restoring, changing or ending a relationship.


Substance Abuse/Addiction

Substance use disorders and addiction can be devastating for the entire family. So devastating that the entire family can become sick. Individuals struggling will often times use denial, deflection and manipulation as a means to continue using. If you suspect your teen, friend, family member or parent is struggling with substance use or addiction, polygraph can be utilized as a tool to break down denial, quickly obtain the truth, so appropriate interventions can take place to get them the help he or she needs. As always, this type of examination is conducted with the utmost compassion, sensitivity and confidentiality. These types of exams are administered in a therapeutic manner.

Polygraph can be utilized as a potentially life saving tool if you suspect your teenager is experimenting with substances and he/she is denying the use. Please call us for more information.

If your loved one is found to be abusing illicit substances, appropriate referrals can be made to get the help they need.